
Because this is an incubation as well as an on-the-job training organization, we don’t have full-time employees (the core team are volunteer mentors with day jobs outside of Senshi.Labs). This is a non-profit endeavor that we basically built to give back to the industry and communities that nurtured us.

Basic Requirements

For everyone: Must be familiar with Discord.
For programmers and designers: Must be familiar with Github and Unity.
For group applications: Must be familiar with Discord and Github.

Application Details

If you are looking for internship, there are three ways to apply.

  1. Enter through service-learning via your school’s research center. Your project will undergo pre-prod phase through this, and will be continued on to capstone 1. Once you are a member of the Discord server, even when that project is finished, you no longer need to apply for internship. You may just contact any of the core team members for this.
  2. Send a group application. The group will also undergo a written interview and a technical exam that is meant to test your teamwork.
    Application form for groups can be found here.
  3. Continue a capstone project that is already under the mentorship of one of the core members. For example, Ms. Loraine is a capstone adviser at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, and one of her groups wanted to launch the project but are missing the necessary manpower (which we’ll provide) to make it happen. This is another way in which a sub unit enters Senshi.Labs.