E-Sports and Gaming Summit 2015

Four of our games exhibited at the E-Sports and Gaming Summit 2015, which was held at the SMX Convention Center. We would like to thank everyone who dropped by and played our games.

It was also quite an event, where most of the happenings actually transpired outside of the Senshi.Labs booth. The work of DocB’s thesis advisees, Cutout, won second place for game of the year, while Senshi’s QA Lead, Neil Alcuran, won the PBA tournament.

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Chillin while undergoing orientation

Mini-Games as Lab Experiments

Some of you might have noticed that we have released a couple of small games in the last couple of months, while some of our bigger dream projects remain in the back burner.

There is a reason for this: experimentation. We did not want to burn resources working on a dream game for years and years, especially with the huge possibility of having only one game to our name and an outdated looking one at that. We’ve all heard of horror stories about game projects taking too long to finish, only to be outclassed by newer games. John Romero’s Daikatana had been one example, and had become a huge learning experience for the game dev legend himself. If you look at YouTube and do a search for “games in development hell”, you’ll find a number of them. Read More

Philippine Game Festival 2015

We were happy to be given a space at the IGDA booth for both October 2 and 3, 2015, for the celebration of the Philippine Game Festival. DocB was also one of the speakers at the conference and she talked about how to survive indie burnout on Sunday, October 3, 2015. You can read about the whole event at the IGDA website, including an article contributed by DocB. This blog post contains a photo summary of Senshi.Labs’ participation. Read More