

GENRE / URI: Role-playing, Educational (RPG, Pang-Edukasyon)
RELEASE DATE / INILATHALA: March 7, 2015 (7 Marso, 2015)
GAMEPLAY LENGTH / HABA: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes (Mahigit-kumulang 1 oras, 30 minutos)

A turn-based RPG that is loosely based on the 17th century corrido written by José de la Cruz, Adarna follows the journey of Prince Juan and his two older brothers, Princes Pedro and Diego. The King of Berbanya has fallen sick and the only cure for his disease is a song from the legendary Adarna Bird. One by one, the older brothers set off in search for the creature but the years pass by without them returning. Juan then decides to take matters into his own hands and convinces his parents — afraid for their remaining son — to let him go on the same quest. Read More

Promoting Education

It’s hard to describe Senshi.Labs as a business. In fact, when I was asked to write a business plan for it, I thought I was being asked to shoot myself. I always look at it as an incubation space, a training center, a place where ideas come to life. I wanted to build something that would promote education beyond school, beyond brands, beyond academe administrative limits. I am an educator first.

Promoting education by way of releasing free edutainment games is one thing. There’s another thing I only realized recently was taking place: training young interns to work like actual development teams who might one day want to build their own studios. Read More

Mathoria Development: An Underdog Story

It was the beginning of the third term of the school year 2013-2014 for De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde when third year students fell in line to pick their thesis advisers. To be honest, I was surprised that the group of Arvin Cabang, Francisco Bate, Steven Escarlan, and Blue Vergara picked me. When I asked them why, Arvin said honestly that he didn’t care who his adviser would be in the next term but that he must learn how to be a producer for that particular term. He basically picked me because I was (still am) a producer.

Well, Mathoria was a test of endurance for all of us. It was a test of their design and programming skills and it was a test of my producer capabilities. To start with, this group had no artist. They were all designer-programmers. Steven was forced to become an artist, an endeavor that almost made him cry every night. Read More

Mathoria: It All Adds Up


TITLE: Mathoria: It All Adds Up
GENRE: Role-playing, Educational
RELEASE DATE: December 27, 2014
GAMEPLAY LENGTH: Approximately 1 hour

We have been greenlit! Thank you for voting YES!


Initially the thesis project of College of Saint Benilde students (B-Team) under Dr. Lapa (DocB) as adviser, Mathoria: It All Adds Up was created in order to help young schoolchildren practice their addition skills while going on a fun role-playing ride throughout its fictional Island of Additio.


  • Three difficulty levels to choose from.
  • Fight goons using basic addition skills.
  • Learn new skills as you battle more difficult enemies.
  • Help villagers with their daily math problems and be rewarded with useful items.
  • Collect armor sets that bestow various advantages.

The pre-alpha version of this game won at the Philippine Game Festival 2014 Game On competition (Best Edutainment). Mathoria: It All Adds Up is the first of two games in an RPG series. Read More