Prologue: A Guardian Story


TITLE: Prologue: A Guardian Story
GENRE: Role-playing Game
RELEASE DATE: June 8, 2014
GAMEPLAY LENGTH: Approximately 6-9 hours

A light-hearted game that pokes fun at itself and many jRPG cliches. You play as Dr. Beam, an alchemist and an associate professor at St. Claire University. As the institution finds itself under attack by mysterious cloaked figures, you take the role of rescuer upon yourself.

  • Free the university buildings by battling demons and mutated pests in a classic turn-based battle system.
  • Find fellow faculty members and friends to aid you in your quest.
  • Forge strong bonds that will strengthen your weapons and your party members.
  • Discover the secrets hidden underneath St. Claire University.
  • Craft ultimate weapons to achieve the TRUE ENDING.

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Coming Soon: Prologue: A Guardian Story

While waiting for the next round of tasks for Project K — and trying to figure out how to improve our current in-house game engine — the boyfriend gifted me with RPGMaker VX Ace so I could try experimenting with some of my designs (I currently have 5 of them and only 2 are actually being developed). What started out as a test game became the introductory story to a series of fanfiction that I had written (but never finished) last decade. Let’s call that series Project GC, which contains the main plot. Prologue, as its name suggests, is an introduction to Project GC. I had already “manually” designed Project GC last year but couldn’t implement it due to the limitations of the in-house engine back then.
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Welcome to Senshi Labs!

This domain,, has been around since 2007. It lay dormant for 7 years, hoping for the time I would actually have use for it. After I left my last studio two years ago, this domain suddenly found itself finally attached to a host, but it’s only this time that I’ve actually managed to create the website for it.

The reason for this is that Senshi Labs, as this little hermitage is now called, has been in incubation for a little over a year. I have been working with various teams to develop a couple of educational games, but these projects have been pro bono and involve a lot of research (for content) and development (for technology). Take one of my teams, an all-girl group… Read More